On World Suicide Prevention Day, we can all be a part of the conversation about suicide and suicide prevention.

The theme this year is 'Changing the Narrative on Suicide', an opportunity for us to think about how we can talk more openly and compassionately about suicide.

A recent poll by Samaritans found that only 45% of people feel comfortable discussing suicide. By reaching out, listening, and showing compassion, we can remove the stigma of speaking about suicide. Every conversation, no matter how small, can help people to feel more comfortable talking about suicidal thoughts.

Anyone can make a difference by reaching out, listening, and showing compassion.

Talking to someone about suicidal thoughts and suicide

Speaking to someone about suicide can be challenging for everyone involved. Zoe, a team manager from one of our Safe Haven sites, has shared some advice on how to approach these conversations and what to say.

How to get help

It can be important to recognise the limit of the support you can offer or understand that someone may not want to talk to you about how they are feeling.

In these situations, you should offer to help them find someone else to talk to and reach out for professional help.

If you think someone is in immediate danger, please call 999.

Learning more

If you would like to know more about suicide awareness, intervention, and prevention. Zero Suicide Alliance offers free online training to help you develop basic suicide awareness and prevention skills.

If you are an organisation looking to develop your understanding of mental ill-health. Our learning team can support you with training sessions.

Take a look at our training offer